Last updates. Return.

For more information about the updates, click on the penultimate book on the shelf (after clicking "Entry" on the home page).

This page informs you of the evolutions of this site.

October - 03 - 2024 -- Edits on all downloadable document files: Right/left justification of texts, to best render the appearance paper books. For more information on this subject click HERE.
Seven new documents have also been added, including the famous ARTIS AURIFERAE, volumes 1 to 3.

July - 24 - 2023 -- Added four new documents, including the essential "Alchemy" by Jacques Van Lennep. Resumption of the engravings in "Douceurs" (click on the swan on the right, on the shelf), for a more pleasant consultation.

March - 22 - 2023 -- Addition of nine new documents. In addition, if you click on the engraving "Au Cygne" on the right of the shelf, a little surprise awaits you!

November - 30 - 2022 -- Addition of five new documents, including two by the famous Jean Julien Champagne, illustrator of the two Fulcanelli books.

August - 16 - 2022 -- Addition of two new documents.
-- ATTENTION: An Index has just been installed on this site. Its name is "General Site Index". It allows you to search in all documents without copyright.
-- By entering one or two search criteria, you will be able to display all pages of all documents that contain this (these) criterion(a), one document and one page at a time.
-- It is also possible to search for a sentence with up to 10 criteria.
So by entering, for example: good, creator and light as search criteria, you will be able to get, eg: Good Lord, Creator of the Red Light, ..., in: The Testament of CREMER..." - In The Hermetic Museum - London 1893 - page 72.
-- To access these indexes, just click on the last book on the right on the shelf (after clicking on "Enter"). It is necessary to consult the help, on the home page of the index, to take full advantage of this new tool.
-- Are also added 2 other indexes: 'Canseliet' and 'Fulcanelli', allowing to search in the works of these two authors, in order to find the page(s) of the book paper, containing one or two searched items.
-- They are grouped together with the "General Site Index". For more information, see the help of these indexes.
-- These indexes require your browser's "javascript" option to be enabled.
-- A new device called "The Reader" has been added for documents. When selecting a document, you can click on the title as in the past. You get the old view of the pages, arranged vertically, one above the other.
-- Now (for non-rights documents only) the letter "R", if it is in a button and we click on it, we gets The Reader, which displays the pages horizontally like in a book, and which offers new possibilities such as displaying a page by entering its number, going to the beginning or the end of the document, etc. ...
-- The reader is also available to browse a document, in which you would have done a search using the "General site index".
-- This "reader" requires your browser's "javascript" option to be enabled.
Good experience.

April - 18 - 2022 -- Addition of new documents (11 in total including 7 manuscripts by Jean Vauquelin des Yvetaux).

June - 27 - 2021 -- A new function has been added to the site. It allows to search for an
author, a title, etc..., directly without consulting the lists. This function is activated by clicking on the first book to the left of the shelf.
-- In addition, a new reader for documents has been added. At the time to select a document, you can click on the title as in the past. You get the old display of the pages, arranged vertically, one above the others.
- Now (for documents without rights only), if you click under the picture , you gets the new reader, which displays the pages horizontally like in a book, and which offers new
possibilities such as displaying a page by entering its number, go to the beginning or the end of the document etc ...
-- This reader requires the "javascript" option of your browser to be activated.
-- Addition of new documents (11 in total, including 4 manuscripts by the famous copyist Jean Vauquelin des Yvetaux).

January - 26 - 2021 -- Addition of new documents (7 in total).

December - 06 - 2020 -- ATTENTION. The site now has a new domain name :, which will gradually replace the old domain name :
-- The old domain name will be maintained for one year, after which it will be deleted.
-- ATTENTION. -- Only the new site will be updated from now on.

June - 29 - 2020 -- Today, ten new documents were added.

March - 02 - 2020 -- Today, thirteen new documents have been added, including Nicolas LEMERY's famous " Traité de Chymie. "

August - 05 - 2019 -- Today, two new documents were added.

March - 13 - 2019 -- Today, seven new documents were added.

March - 10 - 2016 -- Added support for the German, Spanish and Italian language.
Today, four new documents were added.

November - 18 - 2015 -- Added support for the Danish language.
Today, tree documents where added, of witch the "Musaeum Hermeticum".

September - 12 - 2015 -- Today, six new documents were added.

April - 13 - 2015 -- Today, ten new documents were added.

January - 28 - 2015 -- Today, sixteen new documents were added.

November - 24 - 2014 -- As I get a lot of disk space, i just added new books (not yet available in reading), but with references.
___ You now have a direct access to the works, from "Index of authors and titles books".
___ About reissues and books not yet converted, you will now have a picture of the title page, with the book references.

September - 01 - 2014 -- Activation of this new site.